Executive and Team Coaching

Experience Xenergie’s socially energised coaching approach for yourself or your team to accelerate success and create sustainable ways of working.

Executive Coaching for leaders and change agents

Critical to developing leadership competence is a lifelong commitment to one’s own development as a human and the energetic impacts of your interactions. Coaching is trusting relationship in which you can freely explore, learn, reflect and develop as a leader, with an experienced and professionally trained reflection partner. At its best, executive coaching is relevant, measured and deeply thought provoking in its ability to transform your repertoire as a socially aware leader, capable of adapting strategically and stylistically into new times ahead.

  • Customised “vertical “ individual leadership development programs, building your awareness, business impact, influence and presence as a leader.

  • Situational role reflection and decision making based on systemic thinking for working with complex challenges.

  • First 90 days in a new role, helping both new leader and organisation accelerate impact and reduce risk of derailing.

  • Succession planning to support both existing and future leaders in their role transition and planning future needs of the business

  • Supporting change agents, internal coaches and change leaders with professional reflective supervision, strategies and skill development for their practice development.

  • Benchmarking, assessments and development plans to calibrate development for both new hires and existing leaders.

  • Retirement, outplacement and career change coaching to reflect on your strengths and convertible skills, devising a strategy and plan for your transition.

  • Future leaders and young talent with competency-based development to fast-track the talent who will drive your future, including graduate and high potential programmes

Coaching teams and cohorts of stakeholders is at the heart of systemic transformation of organisations. We help teams undertake transformative and strategic team journeys to help everyone get onto a common page, unlock gridlocks, optimise mindsets, networks and connectedness to step forward into new times. Understanding, releasing and optimising the Social Energy of teams is the key to unlocking sustainable performance.

Team Coaching to create sustainable performance

  • Complex problem solving using dialogue and coaching for conflict transformation.

  • Intergenerational & diversity advisory boards to harness the talent in your organisation to inform and develop your policies and strategies.

  • Community benefit coaching to explore how your organisation can innovate with your communities to drive greater social value for all.

  • Team performance sprints are shorter team interventions and energisers that focus on specific performance needs.

  • Working with your top team / Board and advisory boards to improve performance, coherence and connection in line with shifting expectations.

  • B2B cohort coaching with distributors, partners and suppliers to optimise collaborative thinking and innovate ways of working.