Social Energy

Social Energy is the ability of people and teams to do productive, impactful work

Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive: From “doing no substantial harm” to being a diverse, innovative, net-positive organisation.

Engaged: From doing a job to being emotionally engaged and committed

Resilient and regenerative: From unstable to being regenerative and self-healing

Connected: From silos to deep connections across and beyond the organisation

Future Focused: From being stuck to being inspired, creative and adaptive

Flowing: From struggling to being in the flow, with everyone contributing

The business benefits of releasing and optimising your Social Energy

Optimise the use of business resources

by adopting more systemic, connected ways of working.

Retain employees

by creating and environment where they feel more engaged and committed.

Improve organisational performance

through productivity, innovation and resilience.

Be ready for the future

by developing leaders and teams that are more able to deal with internal and external complexity and change.

Reduce risk

by implementing cross-functional and multi-stakeholder approaches.

Build a more attractive organisation

that people want to work for and invest in.

Create a more engaged and connected business ecosystem

across your employees, customers, investors, distributors, supply channels and wider communities.

How to get started

Discover our Executive Coaching and Accredited Programmes that build your capability to become a systemic practitioner.


Measure the Social Energy in your organisation and bring your teams together to start taking action.

Team / Organisation

Social Energy is not constrained within your organisation. It extends to customers, supply chains and communities.


Contact us to discuss your needs and get a quick start for your organisation.